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Sunday, December 20, 2015

GED English and The Art of Social Commentary

Listen to the video and read the lyrics. You may want to do this a couple of times. Try answering the questions below, just to get you thinking critically about the songs you hear. 


1. A "vision softly creeping" is what?
2. How do you know he still remembers his dream?
3. In his dream, was he walking in a city or in the country?
4. Was it warm or cold?
5. Who are the people, really?
6. Why didn't anyone disturb the sound of silence?
7. Did people listen to him?
8. Why does he stress that the neon god was made by the people.
9. What kind of god is the neon god? False or True
10. Are the words on the subway walls and tenement halls true?
11. Does it take more courage to write songs or to write graffiti, according to the author?
12. What are the sounds of silence?

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